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Awareness & Prevention

Thank your aging brain! It’s making you more positive, more happy, more content.

By January 26, 2023No Comments

Older people can now thumb down negative talk about ageism floating in social media and tell the  younger folk: Don’t feel sorry for us, rather, we feel concerned about you! We have research studies  on our side, and they say many good things about us! 

“Older people have better judgment, are better at making rational decisions, and are better able  to screen out negativity than their juniors are.”

This is caused by a bundle of positives. The turbulence-causing hormones are ebbing, leading to  greater emotional stability. Decades of life experiences and learning help you evaluate complexities  and make balanced decisions. You are more easy and realistic about your life goals and less inclined  to dwell on the negatives. 

(The hypothesis is a sort of no-brainer, but it’s great to have scientific validation….) 

“As time horizons grow shorter, people invest in what is most important, typically meaningful  relationships, and derive increasingly greater satisfaction”

At this age, there is nothing more precious than relationships, with friends and family members, and  they contribute immeasurably to a healthy mental state. 

“Don’t worry, be 80: worry and stress decline with age”3,4 

According to the younger generation growing old is scary, but actually, according to scores of  studies, you are calmer and more collected. This is the wonderful paradox of aging! The U Curve of  Happiness shows that people are happiest at the beginning and the end of their lives. 


Many activists are working hard to change attitudes that label older people as burdens on society.  The truth is that only 4% of people over 65 years old live in nursing homes, and as many as 90% have  their minds in good health till they die. 

However, social workers feel much of the attitude changing has to come from older people  themselves. 

How can you do this? 

Do not under-rate yourself or accept a negative comment. 

Have confidence in yourself and your abilities. 

While you may take longer to accomplish a task, you can do it well. 

Your contribution has been immense, at the workplace, in society, in building your family.  Always remember this. 

For many who are active at work, don’t allow yourselves to get pushed around. If you feel under pressure of any kind, TALK TO US. We will empower you and help you SMILE! 


POSITIVE OUTLOOK – At TEDxWomen psychologist Laura Carstensen shows research that  demonstrates that as people get older they become happier, more content, and have a more  positive outlook on the world. 

WHY SENIORS MATTER — and how they contribute to our everyday lives 


LET’S END AGEISM, a TED Talk by activist Ashton Applewhite: It’s not the passage of time that makes  it so hard to get older. It’s ageism, a prejudice… 

