Frequently Asked Questions

How can Ashiyanaa help me?

Call our toll-free confidential helpline 1-888-417-2742 to get support for your immediate needs. Visit our Programs page for more info on our services. We will work with you to find customized solutions to issues you are facing.

Our advocates will:

  • Provide support and help in a secure, safe environment.
  • Create a safety plan.
  • Help with emergency needs for food and shelter
  • Get information and referrals for local resources.

How can I get help?

For emergencies, please call 911 if it is safe for you to do so. For help available 24 hours, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-7233.  For Ashiyanaa’s assistance, visit our Get Help page for more info.

Can I speak to someone in a different language since I have difficulty conversing in English?

Yes, our volunteers speak multiple South Asian languages to help our clients. 

What is the purpose of Ashiyanaa’s helpline?

The purpose of our helpline is to deliver a responsive and effective empowering conversation to South Asians who need support.

Advocate for clients through the judicial system and local law enforcement.

What are some signs of domestic violence?

  • Emotional distress
  • Isolation
  • Physical signs of injury
  • Signs of anxiety and fear
  • Change in appearance/self-esteem
  • Denial of harassment and injuries
  • Restricted transportation/outside activities
  • Manipulation by partner
  • Child abuse
  • Neglect
  • Social abuse
  • Fear

How can I support a friend or family member who is experiencing domestic violence?

Please refer them to Ashiyanaa’s helpline number 1-888-417-2742

Will I be charged for using Ashiyanaa’s services?

Ashiyanaa does not charge a fee for our services. Our helpline numbers are toll-free, and volunteers are available to assist you.

Will my information be confidential?

Yes. Ashiyanaa has a strict confidentiality policy. All calls and correspondence are kept private. We do not share information about you with anyone.  If necessary, we may do so to advocate on your behalf with other individuals or agencies.  We will do that only after receiving written consent from you.

If I call Ashiyanaa will I be obligated to follow through with their given advice?

No. Ashiyanaa will provide you with referrals to programs or services you may be eligible for. It is up to you to make any further inquiries and follow through with applying for or acquiring services.

Does Ashiyanaa only help women?

Ashiyanaa helps all south Asians ( women, men, seniors, youth) without any bias or discrimination. 

Is Ashiyanaa a reputable organization?

Ashiyanaa is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We are a part of United Way’s National Capital Area Chapter (United Way) and Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).  We have also earned the highest possible recognition on GuideStar awarded to organizations that are serving communities openly and transparently.

Is your donation tax-deductible?

Because no goods or services were provided 100% of your gift is tax-deductible.

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